41448PL3B00 - Honda

SHIM H, 80MM (1.7)
Certified Genuine Honda Parts

41448PL3B00 - Honda

SHIM H, 80MM (1.7)
14,83 €(12,42 £) Unit Price Excl Tax

The spare shim h, 80mm (1.7) part number 41448PL3B00 is a genuine Honda part which means it is exactly the same as the one mounted at the factory when the vehicle was new
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Original part number Honda
Part Diagram Vehicle information Option Part diagram
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 speed manual / sunroof / right-hand drive / power tailgate / navigation / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 speed manual / sunroof / right-hand drive / navigation / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 speed manual / right-hand drive / power tailgate / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 speed manual / sunroof / right-hand drive / power tailgate / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 speed manual / right-hand drive / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 speed manual / sunroof / right-hand drive / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 5 speed manual / sunroof / right-hand drive / power tailgate / navigation / instant mobility system / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 5 speed manual / sunroof / right-hand drive / power tailgate / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 6 speed manual / vehicle stability assist / sunroof / right-hand drive / power tailgate / navigation / instant mobility system / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 6 speed manual / vehicle stability assist / sunroof / right-hand drive / power tailgate / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 speed manual / vehicle stability assist / right-hand drive / power tailgate / navigation / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 speed manual / vehicle stability assist / right-hand drive / navigation / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 speed manual / vehicle stability assist / right-hand drive / power tailgate / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 speed manual / vehicle stability assist / right-hand drive / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / power tailgate / navigation / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / sunroof / power tailgate / navigation / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / power tailgate / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / sunroof / power tailgate / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / left-hand drive / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / navigation / left-hand drive / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / sunroof / navigation / left-hand drive / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / sunroof / left-hand drive / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 SPORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / power tailgate / navigation / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 SPORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / power tailgate / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 SPORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / left-hand drive / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 SPORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / navigation / left-hand drive / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 SPORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / power tailgate / navigation / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 SPORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / power tailgate / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 SPORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / left-hand drive / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 SPORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / navigation / left-hand drive / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 6 velocidades manual / vehicle stability assist / sunroof / power tailgate / navigation / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 6 velocidades manual / vehicle stability assist / sunroof / power tailgate / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 6 velocidades manual / vehicle stability assist / sunroof / power tailgate / navigation / left-hand drive / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 6 velocidades manual / vehicle stability assist / sunroof / power tailgate / left-hand drive / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 velocidades manual / vehicle stability assist / power tailgate / navigation / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 velocidades manual / vehicle stability assist / power tailgate / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 velocidades manual / vehicle stability assist / power tailgate / left-hand drive / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 velocidades manual / vehicle stability assist / power tailgate / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2003 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 velocidades manual / vehicle stability assist / power tailgate / left-hand drive / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 speed manual / sunroof / right-hand drive / power tailgate / navigation / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 speed manual / sunroof / right-hand drive / navigation / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 speed manual / right-hand drive / power tailgate / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 speed manual / sunroof / right-hand drive / power tailgate / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 speed manual / right-hand drive / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 speed manual / sunroof / right-hand drive / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 5 speed manual / sunroof / right-hand drive / power tailgate / navigation / instant mobility system / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 5 speed manual / sunroof / right-hand drive / power tailgate / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 6 speed manual / vehicle stability assist / sunroof / right-hand drive / power tailgate / navigation / instant mobility system / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 6 speed manual / vehicle stability assist / sunroof / right-hand drive / power tailgate / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 speed manual / vehicle stability assist / right-hand drive / power tailgate / navigation / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 speed manual / vehicle stability assist / right-hand drive / navigation / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 speed manual / vehicle stability assist / right-hand drive / power tailgate / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 speed manual / vehicle stability assist / right-hand drive / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / power tailgate / navigation / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / sunroof / power tailgate / navigation / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / power tailgate / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / sunroof / power tailgate / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / left-hand drive / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / navigation / left-hand drive / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / sunroof / navigation / left-hand drive / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / sunroof / left-hand drive / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 SPORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / power tailgate / navigation / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 SPORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / power tailgate / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 SPORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / left-hand drive / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 SPORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / navigation / left-hand drive / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 SPORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / left-hand drive / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 SPORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / navigation / left-hand drive / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 6 velocidades manual / vehicle stability assist / sunroof / power tailgate / navigation / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 6 velocidades manual / vehicle stability assist / sunroof / power tailgate / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 6 velocidades manual / vehicle stability assist / sunroof / power tailgate / navigation / left-hand drive / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 6 velocidades manual / vehicle stability assist / sunroof / power tailgate / left-hand drive / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 velocidades manual / vehicle stability assist / power tailgate / navigation / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 velocidades manual / vehicle stability assist / power tailgate / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 velocidades manual / vehicle stability assist / power tailgate / left-hand drive / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 velocidades manual / vehicle stability assist / power tailgate / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2004 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 velocidades manual / vehicle stability assist / power tailgate / left-hand drive / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 speed manual / sunroof / right-hand drive / power tailgate / navigation / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 speed manual / right-hand drive / power tailgate / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 speed manual / sunroof / right-hand drive / power tailgate / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 5 speed manual / sunroof / right-hand drive / power tailgate / navigation / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 5 speed manual / sunroof / right-hand drive / power tailgate / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 6 speed manual / vehicle stability assist / sunroof / right-hand drive / power tailgate / navigation / instant mobility system / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 6 speed manual / vehicle stability assist / sunroof / right-hand drive / power tailgate / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 speed manual / vehicle stability assist / right-hand drive / power tailgate / navigation / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.4 TYPE S 5 doors / 6 speed manual / vehicle stability assist / right-hand drive / power tailgate / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / power tailgate / navigation / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / sunroof / power tailgate / navigation / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / power tailgate / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / sunroof / power tailgate / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / left-hand drive / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / navigation / left-hand drive / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / sunroof / navigation / left-hand drive / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 COMFORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / sunroof / left-hand drive / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / sunroof / power tailgate / navigation / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / sunroof / power tailgate / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / sunroof / power tailgate / navigation / left-hand drive / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 EXECUTIVE 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / sunroof / power tailgate / left-hand drive / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 SPORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / power tailgate / navigation / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 SPORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / power tailgate / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / hid / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
2005 ACCORD TOURER 2.0 SPORT 5 doors / 5 velocidades manual / power tailgate / navigation / left-hand drive / instant mobility system / auto cruise / DIFFERENTIAL
Too many models compatible with this reference, some may not appear.